Pillsbury United Communities Youth Employment Program
Additional application and documentation is required if applying for financial assistance through Pillsbury United Communities Youth Employment Program. For questions and determinations about eligibility contact Autumn McDowell at Pillsbury United Communities [email protected] 612-545-7261
To be eligible for financial assistance to help cover the cost of training you must be between the ages of 16 and 24 and be at or below a certain income level or a recipient of public assistance.
You must also meet one of the following criteria:
- Homeless or Highly Mobile
- In foster care or aged out of foster care
- Have been involved in the justice system
- Have a disability
- Are lacking basic skills
- Are pregnant or parenting
- Dropped out of High School
To get considered for this opportunity, scan this code and be connected to the Pillsbury United Communities Program or click this link – https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=WTSu-4f78ESDAcoqdYi7z_K12ELu0GBMov0sMoxndOdUNTVSVVZTVTNDTEZKTDZUQ1BNR0ZVNkUwVS4u&origin=QRCode